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2013 Triathlon X

Triathlon X was the last in the series of British Car Triathlons (despite rumors to the contrary) staged by British Marque Car Club News. Here are some scenes from that most memorable occasion.

Arriving mid-day on Friday, the Delaware Valley Classic MG Club (DVC) contingent was ready to defend the Founders' Cup and vie for the Wiggin Teapot.

2013 Triathlon X

But at the Friday night reception the Cape Cod British Car Club (CCBCC) let them know they would have none of that!
2013 Triathlon X

Kathryn Rocha proudly dons a Coveted Yellow Cone at the Friday night bonfire as Donna and Kevin look on. The Rochas were the highest-scoring team from Triathlon IX present at this year's event, so she's entitled.
2013 Triathlon X

On Saturday morning, Al Chicote of the Berkshire British Motor Club (right) gets ready to start a team on the Hillclimb/Rallye, the first two stages of the Triathlon.
2013 Triathlon X

The roads encountered were appropriately hilly and twisty (and very scenic).
2013 Triathlon X

Dennis and Sharon check in at the end of the Rallye.
2013 Triathlon X

The teams were directed to the Car Show field, where displays of all sorts were promptly set up.
2013 Triathlon X

Escorted by Constables Elsy and Faith, the judges finally arrived on the field.
2013 Triathlon X

The judges began the task of evaluating each car, paying attention to every, detail.
2013 Triathlon X

But where did all these other judges come from?
2013 Triathlon X

One could visit the Keystone Region MG Club's pub, styled after Abingdon's The Magic Midget, and hobnob with the Schweppes Man, a Beefeater, a bloke from the MG assembly line or a Works mechanic, or just chat up the wenches.
2013 Triathlon X

Cara and Devin were there from the Zissou Society. Were they looking for CCBCC's shark?
2013 Triathlon X

Thanks to the judges' bribes and innkeepers' donations, at the end of the Car Show over $1600 was turned over to the Chief of the fire department to support local emergency services.
2013 Triathlon X

At the Saturday night Awards Banquet, Bob and Diana proudly hold up the jackets they will wear as Triathlon X's Grand Champions...well, pictures of the jackets, anyway.
2013 Triathlon X

Tommy and Adam were all smiles -- the DVC got to keep the Don and Nancy Hull Founders' Cup for highest average score.
2013 Triathlon X

This time it was British Cars of New Hampshire that took home the Dorothy Wiggin Teapot Trophy for highest cumulative score. Prime Minister Bob Mitchell says a few words as he holds up the Trophy. Bob and Diana Stanley, members of the club and Grand Champions, can be seen in the crowd on the left. Congratulations, BCNH!
2013 Triathlon X

Richard Miller (left) awarded the MG Drivers Club's "Outstanding Members' MG in Show" plaque to Mitch and Bonnie Sammons and their 1955 MGA. Triathlon X was the Drivers Club's "Drive-in" event this year.
There are 17 Triathlon items.

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